Affiliate Admin - Commissions

In Commission, you can see the status of all referrals recorded (including Approved/Denied/Paid or Pending referrals). Click Detail to see more information about each referral.

The Referral details page provides you with a summary of their referral performance and commission calculation. Here's an overview of the sections:

  1. Referral overview: Displays the referral ID and status (e.g., Pending, Approved, Denied).

  2. Product information: Shows details of the product sold, including quantity, sales amount, commission rate, and commission earned.

  3. Additional information: Includes data such as subtotal, shipping, and tax, which contribute to the final commission calculation.

  4. Total information: Summarizes the total sales and commission for the referral, including any merchant adjustments.

  5. Conversion details: Displays the Shopify order ID, conversion date, and tracking type, providing details of the referral's conversion.

Last updated