Custom domain (white-label)

Available in Professional plan or above

Create your custom domain

If you want to have a custom domain for the affiliate login page, affiliate registration form link, or network link instead of the ones that start with, you can follow this instruction to change it.

Go to the UpPromote account Home tab > Custom domain button, you will then see the Add domain popup.

In order to create your own subdomain, make sure you've created CNAME record with your preferred subdomain and pointed it to our domain with the steps below:

  • Log in to your Domain system

  • Locate the DNS management tab

  • Create a CNAME with the subdomain that you want to use and direct it to our hostname , with:

    • type: CNAME

    • host: You can enter the domain that you want to use

    • value:

    • TTL: default

  • Kindly wait 30 minutes for the CNAME record to be deployed after creating.

  • Insert the custom domain in the field and press the Submit button.

Example: Your affiliate login link was If you create the CNAME (subdomain) such as partners and point it to, you can then add the as the Custom Domain and your affiliate login link will become

What to do after creating custom domain successfully?

  • The direct registration link will be automatically updated with the new domain.

  • Regarding the affiliate login link, its format will follow the example above and you can provide it to your existing affiliates by going to Emails tab > Bulk email > choose Program > Send emails manually to them to inform them about the new login link. Once affiliates sign in to their portals with the new link, their network links will also be updated accordingly.

Last updated