
Available from the Growth plan

As of 7 June 2024, the Post-purchase popup and Convert signed-up customer features will be unavailable for all new merchants installing the app. This decision has been made to align with Shopify Checkout Extensibility.

Post-purchase popup

How it works

1. When a customer successfully places an order from your shop, a popup will show up on the Thank you page (after checking out) to introduce your affiliate program. The popup contains a message to invite people to join a win-win affiliate program with you.

2. After the customer clicks the accept button on the popup, our system will automatically create an affiliate account with an affiliate link or affiliate coupon showing up immediately.

3. An email, which includes the customer’s affiliate link/coupon, account login link, and default password, will then be sent to the customer.

Note: The popup will not show up for customers who have already had affiliate accounts in your UpPromote account (already are affiliates). This is detected by the system using the customers' email addresses.

How to set up

1. General settings

Go to Outreach > Post-purchase popup > Active to activate that feature.

After that, kindly choose a promotion method that will be shown to customers when they activate affiliate accounts on the popup. It can either be an affiliate link or an affiliate coupon. In case you choose the affiliate coupon as the method, please scroll down below to the Post-purchase popup with coupon to read more about its guidelines.

If you want the popup to show up only once for each customer, switch on Show only once per customer. The next time that customer places an order, the popup won’t show up whether he/she has clicked the accept button before or not.

If you want customers to be able to close the popup when they click outside of the popup area, switch on Close on background click.

Lastly, choose a program from the program list. All customers who accepted to join your affiliate program via post-checkout popup will follow the settings of this program.

Note: The affiliate link/coupon will not be shown immediately on the popup if the Auto-activate affiliates option is disabled. You can go to Settings > General > Notifications & Others to enable it.

2. Design

You can fully customize the popup design as well as check the popup preview by clicking Edit on the Design section.

3. Email notification

We've set up an email layout and content that you can fully customize. Please make sure that the emails sent to your customer contain 3 things: affiliate link/coupon, account login link, and default password.

Post-purchase popup with coupon

Aside from affiliate links, converted affiliates can get affiliate coupons to share and promote right on the popup. In order to set it up, please go to Outreach > Post-purchase popup > Promotion method > Affiliate coupon.

Kindly make sure that you've set up the Auto-generate coupon feature prior to choosing the affiliate coupon as a promotion method (only apply to 3 coupon name formats: Affiliate's first name, Affiliate's name, and Random letters). The coupon provided will follow the rule of the latest sample coupon created.

Note: When choosing the affiliate coupon option, kindly check if the program you choose for the Post-purchase popup has an Auto-generate sample coupon set up (Affiliate's first name, affiliate's name, or Random letters format).

Compatibility with Shopify Checkout

Please note that the Post-purchase popup feature will not work with Shopify's new checkout version. If your store uses the new checkout, the post-purchase popup will not appear on the Thank You page. However, if your store has not yet applied the new checkout, this feature will continue functioning as usual.

To verify which version of checkout your store is using, please go to Shopify Settings > Checkout tab, and then locate the Configurations section. If you see an info panel stating as below, your store is using the old checkout version. If you do not see this panel, your store has the new checkout.

Convert signed-up customers to affiliates

Besides the Post-purchase popup, you can enable a new feature: Convert signed-up customers from your shop to affiliates. Please go to Outreach > Affiliate recruitment > Convert signed-up customers.

When customers register their accounts in your shop, our system will automatically create affiliate accounts for them. They will then get a notification email with their affiliate links and their affiliate log-in details.

Firstly, enable this feature and choose a program you want your customers to be in:

You will be able to customize the notification email sent to new registered customers.

Click Save to save your settings.

TIP: Create a separate program for Converted customers, you can set this program to pay with Store credit exclusively. That will help to keep your customers as loyal customers.

Last updated