Edit/Delete coupon

Motivation > Coupons > Manage coupons

Edit a coupon code

Edit coupon name and description: You can change the name and description of a coupon code to update the affiliate with new instructions by going to Motivation > Coupons > Manage coupons > Edit coupon icon.

A popup will show up for you to edit the name and description:

Edit coupon rules: After a coupon code is assigned to an affiliate, it can only be edited in Shopify Discounts. You need to go to your Shopify discount > Search for the code and change the rules to your liking. The new rules will be synced to UpPromote immediately.

Delete a coupon code

You can delete a coupon code by going to Motivation > Coupons > Manage coupons > Delete coupon icon.

A popup will show up to confirm that you have two options: delete the coupon code from UpPromote only (the coupon code is no longer assigned to an affiliate but the customers can still use it on your store) or delete the coupon code from both UpPromote and your Shopify discounts.

Last updated