Customer journey
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On the Referral details page, you'll notice a Conversion section that shows basic information like the Shopify Order ID, Conversion date, and Tracking type. If the referral has at least one click through an affiliate link, a View details button will appear in the Conversion section.
When you click the View details button, a Customer journey pop-up window will appear. This pop-up provides a timeline of the customer’s journey, with detailed information about the affiliate link clicks.
In the Customer journey popup, you'll be able to see up to 4 affiliate link clicks. The system automatically shows the first two clicks and the last two clicks in the timeline.
Each click on the timeline is detailed with information like:
Landing page: The URL the customer clicked to access your store.
Referring page: The page that the customer came from.
Source: The source that the customer came from. Get from Referring page data.
Affiliate information: The affiliate who referred the customer.
UTM parameters: show the UTM parameters, if any.
ClickID: the Click ID of the page view event.
If the referral has only one click before checkout, the system will display that as the Last click followed by the Conversion details.
The Conversion section within the pop-up contains the final details about the order conversion, including the same details you see in the Conversion section of the referral page, such as the order ID, tracking source, and more.
End journey: The journey ends when the customer successfully checks out. If a customer accesses a new affiliate link after checkout, the journey starts anew.
Monitor affiliate performance: You can track the performance of individual affiliates by reviewing their clicks and the resulting conversions. This helps in understanding which affiliates drive successful sales.
Analyze the customer journey: The journey feature helps you trace a customer's path to conversion, allowing you to analyze which affiliate links and sources are most effective.
Optimize affiliate marketing: By seeing the detailed click-throughs, you can fine-tune your affiliate marketing strategies to improve sales.