Common Custom CSS codes to customize the affiliate account

Visit Settings => Affiliate account customization => Custom CSS

Customize affiliate admin page's color

Normally, the affiliate account will look like this:

However, you can change the color of the affiliate account by going to Settings > Account customization > Custom CSS > paste the following code into that section:

#wrapper{background:#color_code;} .skin-3 .nav-header{background-image:none;background-color:#color_code ;} color_code is the left panel's color and the top profile square respectively. Please replace the color_code with your preferred color code (the color code must include "#", #079B06 for example).

Our system uses the affiliate link to track referral orders as default. However, in case you want to track the conversion by coupon code only and deactivate affiliate link's effectiveness, follow these 2 steps:

  1. Set Cookie to 0

Visit Settings > General > Brand settings > Cookie > Set it to 0

2. Add custom CSS code to hide the affiliate link

Go to Settings > Account customization > Custom CSS > paste the following code to that section:




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