Special product commission

Programs > Edit program > Special product commission

The Special product commission function allows merchants to set a special commission rule for each specific product or for all items in a collection. When an affiliate refers someone to purchase a product with a special commission rate, he/she would get the commission based on the special rate instead of the regular program's commission rate.

This feature is useful for products with higher/lower prices or higher/lower profit margins. Merchants can also make use of it for products they want to drive sales by offering a higher commission rate to affiliates.

Note: UpPromote triggers the special product commission based on Shopify's product variant ID.

How to set up?

To set a special product commission, go to Programs > locate a program > click the program name > Special product commission.

Programs > Edit program > Special product commission

Choose to whether add product(s) separately or add a whole collection:

Click the Product box and a list of suggested items will show up.

Choose the item, select the commission type and enter an Amount/Rate, then click Add.

Note: In case you edit product(s) such as add more variants or add more products to a collection on your Shopify admin, please remember to click on the "Re-sync product" button as in the screenshot below.

How will the product commission be calculated?

If a customer's order contains a product that is set with a specific commission, the special commission rate will be applied for that product while other product commissions will still be based on the default commission of the program.


  • Product A ($20) has a special 10% commission

  • Product B ($100) is not a special product

  • The program commission is 5%

The customer places an order of one product A and one product B.

=> Commission = ($20 x 10%) + ($100 x 5%) = $7

Note: If your program commission is Flat rate per order, when you add a product with a special commission, any order containing that product will generate a double commission (commission for the whole order will be calculated based on the program setting and commission for special products)

Last updated